New year’s resolutions you can stick to.
As the clock strikes midnight and we begin a new year, I want to make sure I’m putting my best foot forward. I want to make this year the best yet. Making small new year’s resolutions that will change my whole outlook on life is how I’m welcoming in this new year.
It’s so easy to make all these grand resolutions, only to forget all about them by the second week of January. These new year’s resolutions are simple lifestyle adjustments that will make a big difference this year.
How to actually stick to new year’s resolutions
Taking steps to help yourself be successful with your new year’s resolutions will be the difference between completing them and forgetting all about them.
Here are things you can do to make your new year’s resolutions stick this time:
-Write them down
-Make sure they are actually attainable and something you can maintain throughout the year
-Tell someone about them (get an accountability partner)
-Break down big goals into smaller, more manageable goals
-Fully commit to your goals
-Create habits out of your resolutions
-Expect obstacles and strategize how to overcome them
Here are more ideas from Harvard on making your goals stick.
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New Year’s Resolutions
These are my own resolutions and I hope you are inspired to create your own or join me as we complete these together.
Don’t let the phone become a distraction
My first resolution is to put down my phone more. This one is always easier said than done, especially if you are the one who organizes everything for the family.
Instead of having my phone in my pocket, I will turn the sound on and leave it on the counter.
By doing this, I have to be intentional in going to pick it up, rather than having easy access to distractions in my pocket.
I know that some days I am exhausted and I just want to zone out for a little while, but with kids around this is an unacceptable use of my phone. If I want to scroll, I can use my own time when the kids are asleep.
I don’t want to miss anymore memories with my kids because I was distracted by my phone.
I don’t want to look back at my kid’s childhoods and wish I had been more present.
I am going to be present. I am going to put down my phone.
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Take care of myself
This is a big goal for me because I have come to learn (the hard way) just how important it is to create time to take care of myself.
I often forget that I have just as much worth and importance as my children, and I need to treat myself accordingly.
That means making sure that I eat and sleep, just as I would for my kids.
When I meet my basic needs, I need to start intentionally doing things I love. On my own.
This past year, I stopped taking care of myself and I began to experience depleted mother syndrome. This was not fun, but thankfully, it is a semi easy fix. I simply had to start making time for self-care.
This year I want to be the best mother I can be for my kids and that means taking care of myself too.
In specific terms, here are my goals:
-Eat 3 meals per day of healthy, body fueling food.
-Drink 10 glasses of water each day.
-Learn a new skill (watercolor painting is first) and spend at least 1 evening a week working on it.
-Find something small each day that brings me joy (yoga, coffee, sunsets, etc.).
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Exercise regularly
In the post partum period it is hard to find the time and energy to exercise. It is my goal to make time for this every week.
My new year’s resolution regarding exercise is to workout 3 days a week.
I know how hard it is to find time for this so I will either workout during my kids naps or wait until they go to bed. Either way, 3 days a week will be spent making my body strong and healthy.
I love going on walks or doing workout videos from YouTube so these are the things I will do during workout time.

Go on more adventures
Before I had kids, I was always looking for the next adventure. Be it a hike, new restaurant, exploring the city, going to the beach, or just getting in the car and driving until I found something fun to do, I was always going on adventures.
Now that I have a baby and a toddler, it is rare that I do any of those things and I miss it.
My new year’s resolution is to pack the kids up and start going on adventures together.
Of course, it won’t be as easy as it used to be, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try.
The memories that my family will create together by going on more adventures are priceless, and totally worth the extra effort.
My goal is to try something new each month with my family. That means 12 adventures this year! I can’t wait.
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Invite other moms over
With two little kids, I feel like my house is in a constant state of needing to be cleaned. For this reason, I often hesitate to invite people over because I know how much work needs to be done before I find the house acceptable for guests.
My resolution this year is to invite more people over. Specifically other moms.
Moms need each other. We all need someone who doesn’t bat an eye when you say there’s pee on the floor and spit up on your shirt.
I want to build community with my mom friends and that starts by inviting them over. Of course, I’ll make sure the house is clean enough, but it doesn’t need to be perfect. It’s okay if the baseboards haven’t been dusted in who knows how long or the fridge has fingerprints on it. As long as it’s clean enough to be comfortable, that’s what matters.
My specific goal is to invite other moms over at least every other week this year. What a wonderful thing it would be if I spent 26 days with my friends this year.
26 days doesn’t sound too hard. I can do this.
RELATED: How To Love Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Let go of the Mom Guilt
Mom guilt. Gross.
That slimy feeling you get when you take a minute to yourself instead of dedicating every second of every day to your kids.
It’s ridiculous.
And yet, every mom I’ve talked to has some form of mom guilt.
This year, my new year’s resolution is to let go of the mom guilt and allow others to help out with my kids.
I know I feel guilty when someone else is doing my job, especially as a stay at home mom. I feel like because my whole life is about my kids, and it’s a huge privilege for me to stay home with them, that I should be the one to do everything all the time for them.
This is just impractical and will lead to burn out. I have to be okay with someone else taking care of them so I can take a few minutes to take care of myself.
My specific goal is to let my husband watch the kids while I do something out of the house by myself once a month.
I am looking forward to seeing how this changes my outlook on life.
Happy New Year! I wish you all the best with your resolutions this year!


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