Stay at home mom schedule for two under two. Love everyday.
After nearly two years at home with my kids, I’ve finally found a stay-at-home mom schedule that keeps me productive while allowing me to truly enjoy each day.
Becoming a stay-at-home mom when my oldest was born was a dream come true. I had always hoped to stay home with my children, but I never thought it would be possible. While my husband and I have made financial sacrifices to make this lifestyle work, we both agree—it’s absolutely worth it!
Being the one to raise my kids every day, rather than sending them to daycare, is an incredible blessing. Watching them grow, teaching them new things, and soaking up every moment is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.
What is a typical day for a stay at home mom?
One of the greatest benefits of being a stay-at-home mom is the flexibility to create a schedule that fits your children’s needs each day. No two moms have the same routine, and even in my own home, no two days look exactly alike. As children grow and their needs change, our daily rhythm naturally adjusts.
That said, my days do follow a general flow, even when the specifics change.

How do I stay happy as a stay at home mom?
Being a stay-at-home mom can sometimes feel isolating and lonely, but there are plenty of ways to overcome this and find joy in your daily routine. Here are the strategies that help me make staying home with my kids both manageable and fulfilling.
RELATED: How To Love Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom

1. Find mom friends.
Before my oldest was born, my husband and I moved to a new state without any friends or family nearby. Finding other moms who shared my values and interests took effort, but it was worth it. The easiest way to connect was by getting outside and meeting my neighbors. I also joined several local Facebook mom groups, where I met wonderful moms with children close in age to mine. Having other moms to share life with makes it even more enjoyable.
2. Exercise.
Every day, make it a priority to get some exercise. Some days, a simple walk around the neighborhood with the kids might be all you have time for—and that’s okay! I also enjoy doing YouTube workout videos in the evenings. It may seem counterintuitive, but staying active actually boosts my energy in the long run.
3. Get out of the house.
This one can be challenging with two under two, but it’s also one of the most important. A few times a week, I make it a priority to plan outings for myself and the boys. Meeting friends at the park is one of my favorites because it gives me a chance to socialize with other moms, too. Staying home for too many days in a row makes me stir-crazy, so getting out is a must! The nice thing about newborns is they can sleep just about anywhere, I like to baby wear or put him in a stroller if we are out at nap time.
4. Find the little things that bring you joy.
Make a list of all the little things that bring you joy, and start noticing them throughout your day. The more you focus on the good, the more you’ll find it. For me, watching the sunset and watering my plants are simple moments that bring me joy every day.
5. Rest.
Find a small daily activity that helps you recharge. Making a list of things that refresh you can be a great start—then, choose one to do each day. My favorite way to unwind is taking a relaxing bath after the kids go to bed.
6. Pray and read the Bible.
Every evening before bed, I read my Bible and spend quiet time with God. This time of reflection renews my soul, preparing me to sleep well and embrace the day ahead.

My stay at home mom schedule:
3-4am Baby wakes to be fed.
7am-8am Everyone wakes up for the day. Feed baby immediately.
7:45am Prepare breakfast and make coffee. I try to make something that my husband can eat before he leaves for work too.
9am-10am Baby naps. I take my toddler to play outside. This is our favorite one on one time during the day. We take care of the yard together, which is something we both enjoy. We always pull weeds and water the plants. (I have a baby monitor with good range so I know if the baby wakes up while we’re outside.)
10am-11:30am Feed baby. Vacuum, clean bathrooms, change sheets, or other chores (I rotate the cleaning depending on the day of the week and what needs done). Play time for toddler while I make lunch. The baby does tummy time or goes in the bouncer while I cook.
RELATED: Stay-At-Home Mom Cleaning Schedule
This is usually when we go to the park or meet friends a couple days a week.

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11:30am Lunch. Naptime for baby.
12pm-12:45pm Independent playtime for toddler while I clean up. During this time I do the dishes, start laundry, and fold laundry if needed. (I prefer to start laundry in the afternoon so I can wash all the dirty burp cloths from that morning before they get stinky.)
12:45pm-1:30pm Play with toddler, and read books together before his nap. He gets really giggly during this time and loves to be chased and tickled. It helps get his energy out before his nap.
1:30pm-3pm Toddler naptime. Feed baby and spend one on one time with him. I love this time of day because the house is quiet and I get that special time with my baby.
2:30pm-3:30pm Baby naps.
3pm-5pm Playtime for toddler. Tummy time and playing on mat for baby. I prep and make dinner then finish cleaning up.
Once a week we pick up groceries curbside during this time.
5pm-6pm Husband gets home and we have dinner together at the table.
6pm-6:30pm I clean the kitchen while my husband spends time with the kids.
6:30pm-7:30pm My husband puts our toddler to bed and I put the baby to bed. We each have our own routines we do with them. I feed the baby again before he goes to sleep.
7:30pm-10:30pm Free time! I like to workout then spend time with my husband until bed.
10:30pm Bedtime.
The Key to Loving Every Day…
RELATED: The Heart of a Mother: How Becoming a Mom Shapes You Forever

When my oldest was around 9 months old, I began feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. It seemed like I never got a break. Every day felt like I was constantly “on the clock,” and I struggled to find time for myself.
Then, I set a simple but powerful rule for myself:
“Once the kids are in bed, I’m done.” No more cooking. No more cleaning. No more responsibilities.
This small change transformed my experience as a stay-at-home mom. Instead of feeling exhausted, I started to truly enjoy it. Yes, I work harder during the day to get everything done, but the reward is worth it. I get hours in the evening to relax, unwind, and pursue my own interests—without any mom guilt. Everything is taken care of, and I can finally enjoy some much-needed time for myself.
For more ideas on avoiding stay at home mom burnout, look here.
What are the must-dos in your stay at home mom schedule? Let me know in the comments!

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