Motherhood is incredibly rewarding, but if we’re being honest- it can be exhausting too. Between sleepless nights, endless to-do lists, and making sure everyone’s needs are met, it can feel like there’s no time for joy. It’s almost as if we become robots, just doing the next thing and the next thing, until somehow we reach the end of the to-do list (which we never do!). What if I told you finding joy in motherhood doesn’t have to be an afterthought. And it certainly doesn’t depend on having a perfectly clean home and everything checked off your to-do list.
In this post we’ll talk about how you can embrace the joy of motherhood, even when you’re bone tired and there isn’t enough coffee in the world to wake you up. Because to tell you the truth, joy isn’t about having it all together. It’s about finding contentment and peace in the midst of the chaos and exhaustion.
Let’s dive into the seven simple, yet impactful ways you can find joy in motherhood.
Wake Up Thankful
Starting the day with gratitude will set you up for a day full of joy. Start with a simple prayer thanking God for this new day. A day full of opportunities to choose the right thing and make the most of the time you have been given. When you start off with being thankful for the little things, you will be looking for the good in each moment for the rest of your day.
Be thankful that you have children to wake up to.
Be thankful for a chance to be a better mom than you were yesterday.
Be thankful for this new day.

Giving thanks can actually make you happier!
Know It Will All Get Done (Eventually)
That long to-do list you have constantly in the back of your mind? Believe it or not, you will get it all done. And if something doesn’t get done, then maybe it wasn’t all that important in the first place.
When we prioritize the important things on our lists and slowly work through the other things, it brings a lot of peace. Knowing that one day the mountains of laundry, endless dishes, and big family meals will be gone because my babies are grown, is a bittersweet thought. But realizing that this season is fleeting makes me appreciate the mess a little more.
So take a deep breath and know that you got this, and that long list will be gone before you know it.
Go Outside
I know you have a million things to do (because I do too). But sometimes the best thing to do is just get outside with your kids. Watch their faces as they find something new. Smile when your son brings you a flower with pride and love written on his face.
Allow your kids to play in the dirt and grass. Let them experience the world.
As your children stare in wonder at the world around them, you should too. There are so many incredible things to notice right outside your door. Taking the time to notice them through the eyes of a child will bring a whole new joy and appreciation to your day.

Look for a Reason to Laugh
Finding humor in the chaos is the easiest way to be joyful.
There are so many moments throughout the day that are so bad, they’re funny! Like when my toddler tries to eat dog poop (and smirks while saying “yum,” when I stop him). Yeah, that’s pretty funny.
As moms, we have the power to bring joy to the situations we are thrown into, or we can bring frustration. Finding the humor in things will help you be positive no matter what comes your way. Just remember, the things that irritate you now could one day become cherished, funny memories—if you allow them to be.
Be Present
There are too many distractions in our lives right now that pull us out of the moment. We have to intentionally put down our phones, let go of our to-do lists, and simply be with our kids. Don’t let all the other things going on make you miss the most important thing happening right in front of you.
Your babies are growing up. Don’t miss it.

Intentionally look for small ways to connect with each member of your family each day. Even if it’s a simple hug, that little pause can be enough to refuel you and bring joy back into your day. Take time to eat meals together, clean together, cuddle, go on walks, play outside, or simply sit and talk to one another.
Connection is key to feeling fulfilled and joyful as a mom. If you don’t feel connected to the family you are dedicating your life to, you will quickly become burnt out.
Trust God
As Christian moms, the key to experiencing true joy is in trusting God. Trust that you have been put in this role as a mother on purpose. These children are entrusted to your care for a reason. In order to encounter true peace and joy, we have to surrender our plans and let God guide our lives. When things don’t go as we would like them to, we have to look for ways that we can grow closer to God through the experience. Knowing that we don’t have to do this alone lifts a huge burden from our shoulders. When we truly trust God with our children, we should feel a sense of relief and peace.
Trust that God will take care of your family and let go of the burden you have been carrying. Start experiencing true joy.

Final Thoughts
Joy isn’t found in perfect days. It is found in little moments, all the time. Embrace the messy, unpredictable, and wonderful journey of motherhood. By changing your perspective, learning to let go, and giving your days to God, you can uncover the joy in the chaos and truly enjoy the blessing of being a mom.

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This is a beautiful post! Very helpful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
Madelyn Considine
This is such valuable encouragement, thankyou for sharing!
Such great (and research backed) ideas! Have you ever read Living Joy by Chris Stefanick? It’s so good. Lots of crossover with your list. 🙂
Thank you! I haven’t read that, I am looking it up right now! Thanks for the suggestion.
Jenni from An Exciting Day Blog
Amen to all, but especially the GO OUTSIDE piece! This saves me regularly. Love your website.
I love that you said if something didn’t get done maybe it wasn’t that important after all, what an encouraging thought! I totally agree we need to partner with God in motherhood and trust Him. Love this article, thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! This was wonderful!